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Ama-Ebi Sushi/Deep-Water Shrimp Sushi

Sushi Photo

sushi photo amaebi Deep-water Shrimp Nigiri Sushi/Ama-Ebi Nigiri Sushi

Sushi Taste

Sweet shrimp is soft, melt in your mouth. Shrimp have a sweet taste umami.

Sushi Price

Deep-water shrimp nigiri sushi is inexpensive.

Best Season

Best season is from September until February.

Sushi Cuisine

Nigiri sushi,Gunkanmaki

Ama-ebi sushi is a Japanese cuisine that is popular.
You can eat the sushi of ama-ebi in most Japanese restaurants.
Ama-ebi sushi is inexpensive.
However, fresh ama-ebi are very tasty.


Ama-Ebi Shellfish/Deep-water Shrimp

Fish Name

Deep-water shrimp/Hokkoku-akaebi/Ama-ebi

Shellfish Photo

fish photo ama-ebi

Fish Size

Deep-water shrimp will grow to about 4 inches.

Shellfish Information

Ama-ebi has been inhabiting the deep sea of 1,000 meters from 300 meters deep.

Shellfish Price

Deep-water shrimp is inexpensive.

Shellfish Dishes
in Japan

Fried shrimp,
Dried shrimp,
Shrimp nigiri sushi