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Ishidai Sushi/Striped Beakfish Sushi

Sushi Photo

sushi photo ishidai
Ishidai Sushi/Striped Beakfish Sushi

Sushi Taste

Ishidai has a chewy.
It has a flavor and aroma of the sea.

Sushi Price

Striped beakfish nigiri sushi is expensive.

Best Season

Best season is from summer to autumn.

Sushi Cuisine

Nigiri sushi

Ishidai sushi is expensive sushi cuisine.
However, this is not a rare sushi.
You can eat this dish in a Japanese sushi restaurant.


Ishidai Fish/Striped Beakfish

Fish Name

Striped beakfish/Barred Knifejaw

Fish Photo

fish photo ishidai

Fish Size

Striped beakfish will grow to about 28 inches.

Fish Information

Striped beakfish is distributed in Japanese waters.
It is a large fish.
Striped beakfish inhabits shallow sea area of reef.
Striped beakfish adult swim near the bottom of the sea.
Striped beakfish eats crustaceans, shellfish, sea urchins.

Fish Price

Striped beakfish is expensive.

Fish Dishes
in Japan

Nigiri sushi,
Boiled fish